Interacting with Web Site
(too old to reply)
2005-10-13 18:29:20 UTC
I'd like to create a script that logs into a web site, requests a list
files available for download, downloads the necessary files... then
once downloaded, checks the "delete" checkbox next to them to delete
them from the list.

I have a copy of a PERL script that does this, but I'd like to do it in
VBScript. I'm sure there's a way to do this with WinInet, but I am not
too familiar. Any help would be appreciated.
2005-10-13 18:40:37 UTC
Just to give you an idea of the type of PERL script I'm wanting to
replicate in VB:


use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Cookies;
use HTML::TreeBuilder;

require "/apps/YourApplicationDirectory/scripts/utils.pl";


my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new;

my $cjar = HTTP::Cookies->new(
file => "/apps/YourApplicationDirectory/tmp/cookies.txt",
autosave => 1,
ignore_discard => 1

my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new( cookie_jar => $cjar );

Debug("--- get_mycompany_reports.pl Has Begun\n");

Debug("Logging Into mycompany Website\n");

# Log into mycompany Website
my $html = $browser->post(
"CompanyID" => "<<<< Your Company ID Here >>>>>",
"UserID" => "<<<< Your User ID Here >>>>>",
"Password" => "<<<< Your Password ID Here >>>>>",
"RememberLogin" => "true"

Debug("Retrieving Reports List\n");

# Generate the page of reports
$html = $browser->get("https://www.mycompany.com/members/reports.asp");

# Throw the html into a tree and get the value of the first checkbox
# We'll use this later to delete from the list
$tree->parse( $html->content() );
$tree->eof(); # done parsing for this tree

my @filenames;
my @checkboxes;

foreach my $cb ( $tree->find_by_attribute( "type", "checkbox" ) ) {
push @checkboxes, $cb->attr("value");

foreach my $a ( $tree->find_by_tag_name("a") ) {
next unless grep { /cccc_rrrr_/ } $a->as_text(); # cccc=CompanyID,

push @filenames, $a->as_text();

$tree->delete; # erase this tree because we're done with it

# Go through all the files we have pulled down and
# check to see if we have already processed them
my $zIndex = 0;

foreach my $filename (@filenames) {
if ( -e "/apps/YourApplicationDirectory/tmp/" . $filename ) {
Debug( "\tWe Already Have File: " . $filename . "\n" );
else {
Debug( "We Did Not Have File: " . $filename . "\n" );
Debug( "Pulling Over File: " . $filename . "\n" );

$html =

open( FILE, ">/apps/YourApplicationDirectory/tmp/$filename" )
or die "Can't open $filename: $!\n";
printf( FILE "%s\n", $html->content() );

Debug( "Calling parse_commercial.pl For File: " . $filename . "\n"
/apps/YourApplicationDirectory/tmp/$filename"); # This is how this
customer parses their files


my $file_count = @filenames;

"Currently Their Are " . $file_count . " Reports On The mycompany
Server\n" );

if ( $file_count > 24 ) {
Debug( "Deleteing First Report ("
. $filenames[0]
. ") From mycompany Web Server\n" );

# Finally Delete the first entry in the list
$html = $browser->post(
"btnSubmit" => "Submit",
"cb0" => $checkboxes[0]

Debug("get_mycompany_reports.pl Is Now Complete\n");
