2005-08-24 02:30:41 UTC
I don’t have enough information to figure out how to use WinInet to
get off the ground with an integration server. Probably I just don’t
know enough to understand the documentation I’ve been given. I tried
the following code. By the end of the routine, strBuffer is "ERROR:
Invalid Command". No idea where I'm going wrong, but a few questions
1. The integration server is located at
stage.binxfer.fujifilmesys.com/FileReceiveServer.aspx. Did I pass this
to GetHttpConnection correctly?
2. The FujiFilm docs say "Parameters may be sent to the server using
the query string, the HTTP header, or from the post." Did I choose the
right verb, or does it look like the "init" request should use
3. The commands recognized by the server include the “init”
command which is used to initialize an upload. Upon successful
completion of this command, a valid BatchID and AlbumID are returned to
the client.
Request Type: init
Required Parameters: AppKey, UserID, AlbumCreateFlag
Optional Parameters: UserName, UserPassword
Return Parameters: BatchID, AlbumID, UserID, RedirectURL
So, is there any chance that I put together the right command in
4. The documentation wasn’t specific about a Content-Type. Do I get
to chose, or does this suggest that the documentation was incomplete?
5. I get back “ERROR: Invalid Command.” Did this string come back
from the fujifilm server? I get the same message if I plug in the
location of the integration server into Internet Explorer.
Thanks in advance,
- Ashok Thirumurthi
// uses the MFC WinInet classes to simulate a Form POST request:
CInternetSession session;
CHttpConnection* pConnection = session.GetHttpConnection( _T
("stage.binxfer.fujifilmesys.com/FileReceiveServer.aspx") );
if ( pConnection && m_pPrintService )
CHttpFile* pFile = pConnection->OpenRequest
if ( pFile )
CString strHeaders = _T ("Content-Type:
CNkvResource strRes;
std::string str;
std::string sUserName;
m_pPrintService->GetUserName (sUserName);
std::string sPassword;
m_pPrintService->GetPassword (sPassword);
// URL-encoded form variables -
CString strFormData;
strFormData.Format ( _T
str.c_str (), sUserName.c_str (), sPassword.c_str () );
if ( pFile->SendRequest (strHeaders, (LPVOID)(LPCTSTR)strFormData,
strFormData.GetLength ()) == TRUE )
DWORD dwReturn;
pFile->QueryInfoStatusCode (dwReturn);
if ( dwReturn == HTTP_STATUS_OK )
char szBuffer [1024];
UINT nRead = pFile->Read (szBuffer, 1023);
CString strBuffer = szBuffer;
if ( strBuffer.Find ("ERROR") >= 0 )
// strBuffer is "ERROR: Invalid Command"
delete pFile;
pFile = 0;
delete pConnection; // TODO: Persist the session and connection
until the files are uploaded
pConnection = 0;
catch ( CInternetException * e )
if ( e )
e->ReportError ();
get off the ground with an integration server. Probably I just don’t
know enough to understand the documentation I’ve been given. I tried
the following code. By the end of the routine, strBuffer is "ERROR:
Invalid Command". No idea where I'm going wrong, but a few questions
1. The integration server is located at
stage.binxfer.fujifilmesys.com/FileReceiveServer.aspx. Did I pass this
to GetHttpConnection correctly?
2. The FujiFilm docs say "Parameters may be sent to the server using
the query string, the HTTP header, or from the post." Did I choose the
right verb, or does it look like the "init" request should use
3. The commands recognized by the server include the “init”
command which is used to initialize an upload. Upon successful
completion of this command, a valid BatchID and AlbumID are returned to
the client.
Request Type: init
Required Parameters: AppKey, UserID, AlbumCreateFlag
Optional Parameters: UserName, UserPassword
Return Parameters: BatchID, AlbumID, UserID, RedirectURL
So, is there any chance that I put together the right command in
4. The documentation wasn’t specific about a Content-Type. Do I get
to chose, or does this suggest that the documentation was incomplete?
5. I get back “ERROR: Invalid Command.” Did this string come back
from the fujifilm server? I get the same message if I plug in the
location of the integration server into Internet Explorer.
Thanks in advance,
- Ashok Thirumurthi
// uses the MFC WinInet classes to simulate a Form POST request:
CInternetSession session;
CHttpConnection* pConnection = session.GetHttpConnection( _T
("stage.binxfer.fujifilmesys.com/FileReceiveServer.aspx") );
if ( pConnection && m_pPrintService )
CHttpFile* pFile = pConnection->OpenRequest
if ( pFile )
CString strHeaders = _T ("Content-Type:
CNkvResource strRes;
std::string str;
std::string sUserName;
m_pPrintService->GetUserName (sUserName);
std::string sPassword;
m_pPrintService->GetPassword (sPassword);
// URL-encoded form variables -
CString strFormData;
strFormData.Format ( _T
str.c_str (), sUserName.c_str (), sPassword.c_str () );
if ( pFile->SendRequest (strHeaders, (LPVOID)(LPCTSTR)strFormData,
strFormData.GetLength ()) == TRUE )
DWORD dwReturn;
pFile->QueryInfoStatusCode (dwReturn);
if ( dwReturn == HTTP_STATUS_OK )
char szBuffer [1024];
UINT nRead = pFile->Read (szBuffer, 1023);
CString strBuffer = szBuffer;
if ( strBuffer.Find ("ERROR") >= 0 )
// strBuffer is "ERROR: Invalid Command"
delete pFile;
pFile = 0;
delete pConnection; // TODO: Persist the session and connection
until the files are uploaded
pConnection = 0;
catch ( CInternetException * e )
if ( e )
e->ReportError ();