Jonathan Wood
2007-08-16 01:55:51 UTC
I can't seem to get some code working when I build with Unicode. Otherwise,
it seems to work.
After calling InternetReadFile(), I can just convert it to Unicode. But
something in the WinInet connection and open routines isn't working. I get a
message that my user name and password are invalid in the Unicode build.
What's the trick to using WinInet in a Unicode application?
it seems to work.
After calling InternetReadFile(), I can just convert it to Unicode. But
something in the WinInet connection and open routines isn't working. I get a
message that my user name and password are invalid in the Unicode build.
What's the trick to using WinInet in a Unicode application?
Jonathan Wood
SoftCircuits Programming
Jonathan Wood
SoftCircuits Programming