Jonathan Wood
2007-08-15 20:04:45 UTC
I'm writing code that interfaces with to process credit cards.
Obviously, security is very important and post operations using SSL are
To this end, companies like Comodo
offers SSL certificates for a reasonable annual fee.
But I can pass the INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT flag to InternetConnect(),
which the documentation says establishes "a Secure Socket Layer (SSL)" using
port 443. And I can then pass the INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE flag to
So what I don't understand is how companies like Comodo make money providing
SSL certificates. How is that different than connecting using SSL the way
I've described above? Is there something they are offering that I'm unaware
Thanks in advance for any tips.
Obviously, security is very important and post operations using SSL are
To this end, companies like Comodo
offers SSL certificates for a reasonable annual fee.
But I can pass the INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT flag to InternetConnect(),
which the documentation says establishes "a Secure Socket Layer (SSL)" using
port 443. And I can then pass the INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE flag to
So what I don't understand is how companies like Comodo make money providing
SSL certificates. How is that different than connecting using SSL the way
I've described above? Is there something they are offering that I'm unaware
Thanks in advance for any tips.
Jonathan Wood
SoftCircuits Programming
Jonathan Wood
SoftCircuits Programming