2007-02-26 14:10:21 UTC
I am using wininet for http requests.
It works fine, but on some cases I get the cached headers instead of
real http headers sent by the http server.
For instance, it is the case for images when the server is sending a
304 not modified response.
In this case, when querying for headers with
"HttpQueryInfo(hHttp,HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF, ...", I get a 200
response, that is the cached headers.
Is there a way to also get the real http server response (that the 304
response) ?
To be precise, I don't want only the "304" but all the http headers
sent by the server, with the "not-modified-since line, possible eTag
line, etc...
Thanks a lot.
I am using wininet for http requests.
It works fine, but on some cases I get the cached headers instead of
real http headers sent by the http server.
For instance, it is the case for images when the server is sending a
304 not modified response.
In this case, when querying for headers with
"HttpQueryInfo(hHttp,HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF, ...", I get a 200
response, that is the cached headers.
Is there a way to also get the real http server response (that the 304
response) ?
To be precise, I don't want only the "304" but all the http headers
sent by the server, with the "not-modified-since line, possible eTag
line, etc...
Thanks a lot.